PURPOSE: To encourage communications between amateur radio operators
outside of Vermont, and amateurs in all counties of Vermont, and to
encourage a high level of technical and operating skills from other
amateurs in working all Vermont counties.
RULES: Work at least 13 out of the 14 Vermont counties. Any band or
modes, or combination thereof, except repeaters. No restriction on time
limits. (Vermont amateurs may qualify if they remain in one county.)
VERIFICATION: Send list of calls, dates, and counties worked,
verified by two other licensed amateurs that have seen the QSL cards for
the counties worked. Or include photocopies of the front and back of
the QSL cards along with the aforementioned list. Do not send cards.
AWARD: A personalized certificate signed by the CVARC President.
COST: $5.00 to cover cost of certificate, postage and processing.
Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club, W1BD
P.O. Box 286
Montpelier, VT 05602